All Things Medi-Cal
Sutter County Medi-Cal Mini Grants
Sutter County Medi-Cal Mini Grants
The Sutter County SELPA Medi-Cal Collaborative manages the Sutter County SELPA Medi-Cal Grant Program. Each year the Medi-Cal Collaborative awards grants to programs and LEAs served by the Sutter County SELPA. Each grant may be awarded funds up to $2,500 for applications that support the needs of students with disabilities.
Live Oak Unified School District Medi-Cal grant awardee.
Medi-Cal Grant Information and Application:
- Cover-Letter-upadated-9.13.2024.pdf
- Medi-Cal-Application-Guidelines-updated-9.13.2024.pdf
- Memo-updated-9.13.2024.pdf
- Medi-Cal-Application-Updated-9.13.2024.pdf
- Medi-Cal-Scoring-Rubric-updated-9.13.2024.pdf